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/ The SysOP's Companion / The SysOP's Companion (Tropical Publishing) (1993).ISO / os2_com / uu_waf.zip

Directories (1)
Name# Files

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
HST.MDM Text File 17 391b 1992-09-19
passwd Text File 47 3KB 1992-10-02
permissn Text File 15 1KB 1992-10-02
systems Text File 76 4KB 1992-12-18
user.rc Text File 5 55b 1992-11-24
uu_waf.doc Text File 133 5KB 1992-12-18
uupc.rc Text File 237 12KB 1992-12-04
zyxel.mdm Text File 17 371b 1992-09-24